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Vrouwen en demonen : Zar en de korangenezing in hedendaags Egypte.
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9055891657 Year: 2000 Publisher: Amsterdam Het Spinhuis

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Het is in Egypte niet ongebruikelijk dat psychische of lichamelijke klachten worden toegeschreven aan demonen die het lichaam zijn binnengedrongen. Dit binnendringen kan het resultaat zijn van magie of het 'boze oog' of het gevolg zijn van emotionele of religieuze zwakte. Om weer gezond te worden moeten de geesten op spirituele wijze gunstig worden gestemd óf worden verdreven tijdens de zar-ceremonie of door koran-genezing. Daarvoor wordt de hulp van een traditionele genezer ingeroepen. De verzoening met de demonen gebeurt door de zar-leidster, het exorcisme door de koran-genezer. De auteur deed voor dit boek literatuuronderzoek naar religieuze opvattingen over demonen en veroorzaking van ziektes. Daarnaast had ze gesprekken met 'bezeten' vrouwen die genezingssessies ondergingen en met korangenezers. Ze woonde zelf ook korangenezing en zar-ceremonieën bij in verschillende stadsdelen van Caïro.

EVAlutie : acht verkoopwetten om vrouwen te overtuigen.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9025412688 Year: 2000 Publisher: Amsterdam Contact

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Faith Popcorn vertrekt in dit boek van de toenemende economische kracht van vrouwen. Binnen tien jaar, zo voorspelt Popcorn, zullen de bedrijven die er het best in geslaagd zijn hun marketing op vrouwen te richten, marktleider zijn in iedere belangrijke sector. Zij noemt deze trend 'EVEolution' (naar het Nederlands vertaald als EVAlutie). EVAlutie is een reeks marketingaxioma's die uitgaan van de realiteit dat het consumptiegedrag van vrouwen en mannen heel erg verschillend is. In het boek wordt EVAlutie onderverdeeld in acht waarheden die onthullen hoe bedrijven de loyaliteit van vrouwelijke kopers kunnen begrijpen, bereiken, stimuleren en behouden. Bij elke waarheid worden casestudy's en praktijkvoorbeelden gepresenteerd, gecombineerd met toekomstgerichte voorbeelden van een sterke en effectieve EVAlutie-marketing.

In a different voice : psychological theory and women's development
ISBN: 9780674970960 0674445430 0674445449 9780674445444 9780674445437 Year: 1998 Publisher: Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard university press

The inquisition of Francisca : a sixteenth-century visionary on trial
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1283976072 0226142256 9780226142258 9780226142227 0226142221 9780226142241 0226142248 Year: 2005 Publisher: Chicago : University of Chicago Press,

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Inspired by a series of visions, Francisca de los Apóstoles (1539-after 1578) and her sister Isabella attempted in 1573 to organize a beaterio, a lay community of pious women devoted to the religious life, to offer prayers and penance for the reparation of human sin, especially those of corrupt clerics. But their efforts to minister to the poor of Toledo and to call for general ecclesiastical reform were met with resistance, first from local religious officials and, later, from the Spanish Inquisition. By early 1575, the Inquisitional tribunal in Toledo had received several statements denouncing Francisca from some of the very women she had tried to help, as well as from some of her financial and religious sponsors. Francisca was eventually arrested, imprisoned by the Inquisition, and investigated for religious fraud. This book contains what little is known about Francisca-the several letters she wrote as well as the transcript of her trial-and offers modern readers a perspective on the unique role and status of religious women in sixteenth-century Spain. Chronicling the drama of Francisca's interrogation and her spirited but ultimately unsuccessful defense, The Inquisition of Francisca-transcribed from more than three hundred folios and published for the first time in any language-will be a valuable resource for both specialists and students of the history and religion of Spain in the sixteenth century.

Interfaces : women, autobiography, image, performance
Authors: ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Ann Arbor The University of Michigan Press

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De essays in dit boek onderzoeken hoe twintigste-eeuwse vrouwelijke artiesten zichzelf representeren op het raakvlak van het visuele beeld, geschreven tekst en performance. Veertien auteurs kijken hoe deze artiesten gebruik maken van verschillende media - schilderkunst, fotografie, performance, beeldhouwen, verhaal, lied, gedicht, manifest - om hybride zelfportretten te creëren die tussenkomen in kritische debatten over subjectiviteit, feminisme en de geschiedenis van beeldvorming in het westen.

The life of Lady Johanna Eleonora Petersen written by herself : pietism and women's autobiography in seventeenth-century Germany
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1281125989 9786611125981 0226663000 9780226663005 9780226662985 0226662985 9780226662992 0226662993 Year: 2005 Publisher: Chicago : University of Chicago Press,

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In a time when the Pauline dictum decreed that women be silent in matters of the Church, Johanna Eleonora Petersen (1644-1724) was a pioneering author of religious books, insisting on her right to speak out as a believer above her male counterparts. Publishing her readings of the Gospels and the Book of Revelation as well as her thoughts on theology in general, Petersen and her writings created controversy, especially in orthodox circles, and she became a voice for the radical Pietists-those most at odds with Lutheran ministers and their teachings. But she defended her lay religious calling and ultimately printed fourteen original works, including her autobiography, the first of its kind written by a woman in Germany-all in an age in which most women were unable to read or write. Collected in The Life of Lady Johanna Eleonora Petersen are Petersen's autobiography and two shorter tracts that would become models of Pietistic devotional writing. A record of the status and contribution of women in the early Protestant church, this collection will be indispensable reading for scholars of seventeenth-century German religious and social history.

The power of feminist art : the American movement of the 1970s, history and impact
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0810926598 0810937328 Year: 1994 Publisher: New York Harry N. Abrams

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Deze publikatie biedt een volledig historische overzicht van de Amerikaanse feministische kunstbeweging. Het materiaal in dit rijk geïllustreerde boek is thermatisch gerangschikt in vier hoofdstukken, met in totaal zestien essays, geschreven door kunstenaressen, criticae en kunsthistoricae die sinds de beginjaren actief betrokken zijn geweest bij de feministische kunstbeweging. Deel I is gewijd aan het feministische kunstonderwijs, deel II gaat in op netwerken en organisaties die feministen opzetten om hun positie in de kunstwereld te versterken, in deel III komt het hele scala van feministische kunst uitvoerig aan bod, en deel IV handelt over de erkenning en doorwerking van feministische kunst in de jaren tachtig en negentig.


Iconography --- History --- feminism --- Art styles --- Pattern painting --- Art --- performance art --- art history --- art [fine art] --- Kozloff, Joyce --- Fishman, Louise --- Greenstein, Ilise --- MacConnel, Kim --- Lacy, Suzanne --- Jones, Cleve --- Kruger, Barbara --- Holzer, Jenny --- Montano, Linda --- Baca, Judith Francisca --- Cassatt, Mary --- Schapiro, Miriam --- Edelson, Mary Beth --- Zakanitch, Robert S. --- Rosenthal, Rachel --- Levrant de Bretteville, Sheila --- Silas, Susan --- Ingberman, Jeanette --- Jaudon, Valerie --- Johnson, Buffie --- Rahmani, Aviva --- Las Mujeres Muralistas --- Kaufman, Jane --- Hodgetts, Vicki --- Antin, Eleanor --- Weltsch, Robin --- Schneemann, Carolee --- Smith, Kiki --- Flack, Audrey --- Wilson, Martha --- Oppenheim, Meret --- Chicago, Judy --- Huberland, Kathy --- Wayne, June --- Stevens, May --- Applebroog, Ida --- Marchessault, Josette --- Benglis, Lynda --- Hartigan, Grace --- Kushner, Robert --- Sleigh, Sylvia --- Sisters of Survival --- Bernstein, Judith --- Simpson, Lorna --- Kahlo, Frida --- Gerber, Ava --- Fischl, Eric --- Antoni, Janine --- Semmel, Joan --- Hayden, Sophia G. --- Saar, Betye --- Granet, Ilona --- Schiff, Robbin --- López, Yolanda M. --- Wolverton, Terry --- Mailman, Cynthia --- Gilmore, Jane Ellen --- Orgel, Sandy --- Sherk, Bonnie --- Cooling, Janet --- Salle, David --- Bontecou, Lee --- Murray, Elisabeth --- Douglas, Bob --- Prussian, Claire --- Benning, Sadie --- Smith, Mimi --- Ukeles, Mierle Laderman --- Frankenthaler, Helen --- Hernández, Ester --- Wilding, Faith --- Leonard, Zoe --- Brody, Sherry --- Frazier, Susan --- Mesa-Bains, Amalia --- Bourgeois, Louise --- O'Keeffe, Georgia --- Yamamoto, Lynn --- Piper, Adrian --- Youdelmann, Nancy --- Mitchell, Joan --- Wollenman, Shawnee --- Yarfitz Denise --- Bachenheimer, Beth --- Mendieta, Ana --- Spero, Nancy --- Kelly, Mary --- O'Grady, Lorraine --- Rosler, Martha --- Torr, Diane --- Ringgold, Faith --- Lin, Maya --- Posey, Willi --- Schor, Mira --- Rainer, Yvonne --- Azara, Nancy --- Krasner, Lee --- Arai, Tomie --- Sigler, Holly --- Clemente, Francesco --- Levine, Sherrie --- Carlson, Cynthia J. --- Williams, Sue --- Chang, Kathleen --- Colo, Papo --- Donegan, Cheryl --- Henes, Donna --- Wilke, Hannah --- Grey, Camille --- Rush, Chris --- Hesse, Eva --- Anderson, Laurie --- Damon, Betsy --- Hershman, Lynn --- Hammond, Harmony --- Norvell, Patsy --- Gauldin, Anne --- Pindell, Howardena --- Blum, June --- Neel, Alice --- Labowitz, Leslie --- LeCoq, Karen --- Sherman, Cindy --- Koons, Jeff --- anno 1900-1999 --- United States --- jaren 70 --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- anno 1970-1979 --- America --- Murray, Elizabeth --- Graphic arts --- Museology --- Amerika --- Museologie --- Sociologie van het gezin. Sociologie van de seksualiteit --- Kunst --- Grafische kunsten --- Verenigde Staten van Amerika --- Feminism and art --- Art, American --- Performance art --- Social aspects --- Art and society --- United States of America --- art [discipline] --- kunst en politiek --- vrouwelijke kunstenaar --- Feminist art --- Artists --- Museums --- Drawing --- Theory --- Images of women --- Book

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